Samsung A! generator; Donald Trump
Editorial Opinion Oath of office
As Donald Trump Takes the Oath of office as the 47th president of the United States of America there is a change in the minds of people all over the world as to the accountability of our political leaders. Not only is it understood that decisions made by politicians can be consequential to everyday life, their ability to stand with others on the world stage will be very important during the entire term of this new president. This man has a drive not seen for years in the history of presidents of America. He has nothing to lose, and has come through a fire, and must be given the respect due to a raging bull Republican Elephant defending his home turf.
A man of who's character and moral integrity was forged in the world of free enterprise. A builder and a monumental patriot. This intelligent New President has an Agenda on Foreign policy the view that America will protect and police the world for free is a non-starter. Nations will be made to respect American imposed solutions on trade and world peace.
Domestic policy will demand secure borders, new approaches to debt reduction and a practical approach to control the damage done by natural disaster.
The Polls
"no one believes the polls. This website says a Republican landslide
it Is working for the party of choice for many demographic in America for the working class Trump offers true job security by keeping jobs in America..
As We welcome a new age a new President Canada is aware that America now has a lower tolerance lack of Co-operation. being the only non- American goverment. between here and Alaska everything is up for grabs Repect is the Key Word.
Trump does not need this job, but he wants it because he is as a good a patriot as any American soldier on the battlefield. he wants it to make America Great Agian.
Guelph General Hospital
News From Around the world
The Guelph General Hospital: colloquially known as the Dungeon,
Claimed another victim yesterday Sunday December 15 2o24
Due to a previous injury and the fact that there was a fever present in the patient’s system no pain killer was working so the patient was in extraordinary pain. and arrived by ambulance
Either a “mistake” or deliberate malice on the part of the triage nurse ended with this man at the bottom of the list and screaming in pain for two hours within earshot of the triage nurse.
The man was also assaulted by an abrasive cleaning sponge left on the hospital gurney were the pillow should have been. It was later replaced by a softer pillow but the damage was already done.
The patient was also disrepected by a major bully of an orderly.
After the patient was seen by a doctor, he was told that hospital records showed the his doctor had at one time prescribed Hydromorphone sometime in the past. Uh Interesting that he had access to a doctors personal records even though the record stated the said patient was allergic.
News Item Guelph General Hospital
An incident occurred a the Guelph General Hospital in February 2024 that resulted in spinal cord damage to an elderly disabled Guelph man. The patient was not conscious at the time. The hospital did not report a fall or stroke and was culpable in a effort to hide the details of this event. By besmirching the patient’s credibility by adding details to a medicinal record that were not strictly medical and the patient could not see and was not consulted on.
After the event the hospital did not act in the patient’s best interest during subsequent visits the patient was allowed to convulse on a hospital bed in the emergency room within full view of a nursing station. And although alerted to the situation hospital staff did nothing. On two other occasions hospital staff had emergency contact with the patient in a neck brace under circumstances were a X-ray should have been administered but was not given.
The hospital acted against the patient’s interest only X-raying after the patient was in significant pain and demanded it. Doctors supplied false information to the patient saying the damage was from arthritis.
Guelph General Hospital the Saga Continues.
So this is the story that our research has been able to uncover
Sometime in February 2024 a male patient entered the Emergency department of Guelph General Hospital with stomach pain that was gone before the Patient was admitted to Guelph General Hospital. In the time interval between the two events the Patient was able to visit the Washroom independently. Then the patient passed out.
The last thing the patient saw before losing consciousness was a blue uniform through a window. Then hearing a thump and the words “is that all you Got?” Seeing the blue and the window the patient’s understanding was he must have been moved to a different part of Emergency.
After passing out again the patient woke up as he was being transferred to a hospital bed in a ward. It was here he was prescribed Hydromorphone and told it was a muscle relaxant.
Editorial Opinion
The Patient’s own words
“It was after under my doctor’s direction I withdrew from the Painkiller, that the symptoms started to show buzzing pain in the left arm. A bone bruise on the left arm, painful leg movment and short strides”
“I was into see my doctor every week almost, as my health deteriorated and no acceptable explanation was forthcoming from the hospital That was the cruelty. It looked like they had something to hide. I would have stayed in hospital but the roommate was sent up for another floor because he could not get along down there.
The hospital had two opportunities to Xray my neck after febraury but did not. It was not till October 6 monts the event that my neck was finally x-rayed and then an MRI done. “
You see, a long time ago a great writer told me you can write anything you like if it is true, So we just did.
Ride Your bike for Mental
Health and More
links to event in Guelph
Samsung A! generator; Donald Trump
Wishful Thinking
No one believes the polls. This website says a Republican landslide Is working for the party of choice for many demographic in America for the working class Trump offers true job security by keeping jobs in America..
Home ownership and food will be affordable. boarder containment and support for police. and world at peace
he wants it to make America Great Agian. Vote Republican. always remember computers lie.
Our New Editorial section
Taken from copilot
Editorial Opinion The Debate
Editorial Opinion
Horror, the hostages have been shot moments before rescue. Hamas said it was done because a ceasefire had not been reached. Then the fake news CBC Follows this with wholly inappropriate and insensitive story about the number of dead incurred by Israel bomb attacks. Ok so follow the logic here. A= kidnap 200 hostages +B We scream to the world that WE ARE THE VICTIMS > c We Murder the Hostages just as they are about to be recured because Israel did not agree to a ceasefire.
Well if it look like terrorists’ and it smells like it, then it must be Terrorists. Even Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies could have figured that one out. She told me she voting for President Trump
The pain the hostages suffered before their death in unimaginable. This website will take a stand and speak out against terrorism. It is not debatable, these people on the University campus all summer demanding these institution devest themselves of shares in companies that might indirectly demonstrated support for Isreal.
These hamas the official government of Palestine are nothing more than thugs and murders.
Editorail Opinion
Freedom, the American Constitution, the right to a speedy and Just trial, The right to feel safe in your own community, and President Donald Trump. If your a Democrat those words do not belong in the same sentence. Does it work better with Kamala Devi Harris at the end of that sentence. Trump has said that this might the most important election Americans will ever vote in. President Trump may very well be right on that point.
Up here in Canada it can take 18 months to get a trial while you wait in jail, something left over from the covid years that Justin Trudeau has never bothered to put right. As for freedom of speech the CBC and most other recognized media get funding from the government so just by listening carefully you can tell it is fake news. Google does not broadcast Fox News on the mini in Canada because Google is a Democrate and Google makes the rules. Competition has always been good for Democracy as has been an honest and objective fifth estate.
No-one needs to follow your around anymore. It is much easer to track your cell phone or follow you with a drone that has better night vision than a Bald Egale has during the day. Free speach, Liberty, the proper administration of justice and law inforcement are all issues that are front and center and on everyone's mind.
There are also domesitc issues to be considered like Jobs, Taxes and Rent, Food and the cost of buying a home both in Canada and the USA. The question is what kind of a world do we want a hundred years from now. What every happens in America has an effect in Canada. There is a quetion of the free Imigration policy's that allow people with other militant religous beliefs and terroists to enter the population of North America. Big decisions have to be made NOW. Who do you really, deep in your heart trust to make them, Kamala Devi Harris, or President Trump.
What is a War!
Editorial Opinion cartoon
Kamala Devi Harris
Description: Smug, Knowitall, dangerous, Liberal, inexperienced, Insensitive, illogical, incompetent, Delusion of grandeur Black women in a blue suit in a blue world (she her) And she wants to Be President of the most Powerful Nation in the world.
Editorial Opinion
Do you Understand this: a speaker repersentavive of Palestine was barred for taking the stage at the Democratic National Convention, said speaker represented a high Number of delegate votes. Instead what happed was chats of "bring them home". rang out from the deligates. It is diffuclt to tell exactly what happen because of False News reports. Then another report said the Palistine Ministry of health reported a number of over night deaths. Now let's review this. It look like the Democrates have a number of deligates supporting Palistine.
The National Goverment of Palistine is Hamas, Not the chick pea stuff.This is a Terrorist organisation and Kamala Devi Harris has these people on the convention floor. securing delegate votes. Hamas is still holding 133 people hostage. Does anyone still want this woman deciding American foreign policy.
Editorial Opinion
Google Mini just reports the news but it can't report Fox But the Democrates don't get it at all. So let us start at the beginning. Once upon a time there lived a dragon who's Name was Palestine he lived in a state ruled by terroists. This dragon Palestine beathed fire throughout the world claiming a grievance that his people were being harmed. The Democrates believed him and wanted to end the Violence. EIGHT HOSTAGES FOUND DEAD BY ISRAEL TUESDAY AUGUST 20TH 2024. the people should rememeber the lives that were snatched from their families. Instead the Democates say that the demonstrators outside the convention have a point of veiw the violence should end.
Kamala Devi Harris (/ˈkɑːmələ ˈdeɪvi/ ⓘ KAH-mə-lə DAY-vee;[2] is part of this Democratic fairytale and we will all see chapter two if she gets to the White House. She is like that dance sence in the original Snow White cartoon were the fairies could not make up their mind weather the dress was pink or blue and she can't make up her mind weather shie is Indian or Black. Is she not proud of her Heritage. Everyone Knows John F Kennedy was Irish. She has however made up her mind about the middle east. forget what she says now there is a large Democratic Palestinia continuanc who's vote will dictate American foreign policy and the American military will back a terroist organization.
Hamas still holds 133 HOSTAGES when does the pain and the morning in Isrial stop. You have to forgive Joe Biden he won't understand. however the correct wording would have been. We want all the hostages returned and then we negotiate for peace. On this day of great sadness for Isrial some fake news outlet choose only to broadcast Biden telling the convention the demontrator have a point of view.
סליחה על אובדנך
Editorial Opinion
U.S.A 100 years From Now
The war in Ukraine is not about politics it is about National Idenity Food, dance, and the freedom to worship. and maybe pray the rosary, President Kennedy was definately Catholic. If the World continues down the path the American Democrats are leading National Idenity will become very a important issue for the United States.
Be it Hindu, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Evangelical or Muslem, the freedom to worship is very important. the Christian faith of a leader can become a political issue in countries like Iran. Veneration of the Vegin Mary Is part of Greek Othodox cluture and may also be part of a countries national Identity. Here in Canada the Beavers and Maple Syrup are as canadian as Hockey, or is it soccer or football.
A Political leader of the United State can Legislate changes that can effect National Idenity. Immigartion policy being only one example, Education being another. The problem with liberal Democrates is they don't know there is a problem until it interferes with there own personal happy dance. In can sometimes be politically andvantages to allow a bad situation to continue.
in Canada the Trudeau goverment by agreement is supported by the NDP the party with the third most popular vote in the last election.This party is led by Jagmeet Sing the second most popular party in that last Canada was the Block this party only fielded canadates in Quebec. So every new immigrant comming to Canada will Hopefully cast a vote for the Liberals
Editorial Opinion
Kamala Devi Harris Logic
if Israel is very dependant on the United States of America for survival.
If Kamala Devi Harris has a large Palestinian vote supporting her bid to become President of U.S.A
If the hamas is a terrorist organization and hides it members in schools and refugee camps.
If Humas blatently attacked Israelis and kidnapped hostages and still has not given them back
Then (as reported on the news this moring) Kamala Devi Harris say Israeli can with her permission go after Hamas,
but Israel must take into account civilian casualties.
Who died and made her President. The point is debatable.
What will she say next. "I have Joe Bidens Permission to cut all U. S. military funding to Israel."
If this Kiddnaping had happened on American soil
Who is the victim here.This is A Question of Justice. Hamas is the Offical government of Palestine.
Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Give the hostages back and Apoligies are needed.
Editorial Opinion
Democrats are always Left
Not that their is anything wrong with Ice fishing, There is plenty to go around here in Canada. Teachers yeah we got them too uh. Take our Honerable Prime Minister. Please! President Trump is a golfer and golf as you know keeps people employed. So do Hotels and Trump has built quite a few. big buildings attrack big business and that means Jobs. President Turmp understands the word ecconamy and that people work hard for their money. He is a champion of the working class hero. he knows how it put America back to work.
When President Trump speaks about Justice, He does not mean the words that dribble from a career politicians mouth. Trump has been there and fought incredible hatred and misunderstandings.
Like nobody in the Democratic party took logic in school. If you listen to President Trump speak that beautiful mind moves through the steps If A then B therefore C. Our Prime Minister just gave the order to move people out of Israel in case the situation there gets worse,. that is not logical that is political.
Stupid politicians making decisions for political gain can cost the working person their job. To many imigrants, too much drugs, a bad education system, are not political decisions. These are hard decisions and President Trump is to only canadate to be trusted to make them logically. with no bias to terroist groups or special interest doners.
Respect is what President Trump will get on the world stage, and at home. he has a good moral compass If the AMERICAN voters want more of what we have seen in the last four years. Vote for Kamala Devi Harris and Company ltd.
Editorial Opinion
everyday hero
It can only be said that these are the people who make a community work, The ones who sign a fully paid house over to the bank as collateral to risk everything to open a small shop, Quote "if Trump does not win the U.S.A. presidency it will not only be bad news for American it will effect Canada Too, and that Trudeau has to go". This is my story this my song I have one life to sing it. and I will be @#$ if I let Herris sing it for me.
It is kind of like looking at Luciano Pavarotti on You Tube, the voice is the but the picture is fading more each time you watch until he has no voice no face and no history, Oblivion. That is were Kamala Devi Harris is going to take the world if elected like You Tube for her any picture is ok, no embarrassment here, Just a democartic liberal mind. " a women president what a unique Idea" I will put my money behind that. Not frist before her party convention Kamala Devi Harris was virtually nominated. Is this how she plans on cheating her way into the white house.
If menory serves if was President Trump who was announced. On election day. The election continues a so sorrry we got it all worng after numerous recounts and twists of fate Joe Biden is declared president.Then there is the if you can't win try assassination. Kamala Devi Harris deseves a second look her policy on Ukriane has not been dicussed and should be because up until now Ukraine has been a defensive war is this Kamala Devi Harris planning to take the offensive.
Now anyone is in charge at the White House and any policy is good policy, No thinking democrate should say she could be the first Black Women President of the U. S. A if she Is not competent. and her figer might twich on the nucler trigger. forget black foget women and think about the kind of world you want for the next generation behind you.
EDITTORIAL: What is in your head
by Phil Musgrave
Editorial Opinion I really don't think
I am quaified to wright this piece.
However I don't think anyone else will. President Tump said "I stand before you today only by the grace of God. Well prayer is not the only thing you have to do to win an election or to win a football game. You have to have a great team to back it up. There is more to this election then rhetoric and name calling. We stand in a world at a crossroads, any political action taken by the United States of America in the next four years will not only define the nation, but the world as we know it for the children of the future. Russia is aggressive, China is aggressive and the middle east is volatile. So how do you vote to make the world safe.
The total arrogance of Kamala Harris dressing herself up in an illfitting suite standing behind a podium with the presidential seal on it is just the begining of the disrepect she has shown for the office. The USA does not have a chancellor the President is an elected position, and past president's have often been considered a national treasure for the service given. Kamala Harris foreign policies are right there for anyone to see. She is in supports Ukraine even to the point of attacking the homeland of Russia. (baiting that bear is never a good Idea). anyway the Ukraine is Joe Biden's war and was mishandled from the begining. his administation failed to take decisive action when they knew Russia was about to invade.
Kamala Harris was VP when Biden agian hesitated to demand the release of all hostages after the kidnappings. and She was VP when the Biden administration stated that the war in gazza must stop before the release of any hostages. Now we are seeing envoys sent to Japan to form an alliance in case Russia or China Steps out of line
In the game of international politics it is best to civil and that way you keep you options open and sactions all that did was fuel inflation. I remember when President Turmp said I like Putin. he may not like him as much now but as President he could pick up the hotline and talk to the guy. That might prevent world war 111,
Editorial Opinion
Up here in Canada the closest thing you get to a Democrat is a liberal, oh sorry That is a Liberal. A Liberal is not a logical political amimal. If you tell a Liberal the Trudeau cabon tax does not make sense. A Liberal will say " well he has more women in his cabinet then ever before." Now don't take this the wrong way Stong decisive female leader ship is a good thing. That tigress who questioned the now resigned leader of the secrect service during the hearings on the attemped assassination of Former President Trump She would get my vote if she were runnning.
What Liberals do is never look at the consequences. like, The secret service is not suppose to decide who gets to be the next President of the United states of America. Nether does the practice of a post covid mail in ballot. Voting stops with all votes counted on election night. The Longer the Post vote count takes the more likely the factor of cheating. What Liberals and Democrats have in comon is a misunderstanding of the concept of an Idea becomeing an Ideal.
An example of this is demonstrated in the superb acting preformace of Sally Field in the Movie Not Without My Daughter Required Viewing for all adult Voters In United States and Canada.
The important thing to understand here is what is good for the country, the future and the next generation In order to do that we must have balance the executive the judical the legislative and the fifth estate. Their must also be a balanced immigration policy so national identity is not lost so a nation is not overwhelmed by the number of people entering the country. For the world to survive their must be a stable hand at the helm. declaring war on Russia or China right now by action or intent is not a good thing.
News Iten: American fighters intercept Chinese and Russian planes over Alaska. Who would get your vote as being the most competent To handel this issue?
Editorial Opinion
When Goverment Kills
I it was God who stepped in and saved me. Well there are a couple of Questions here. Why did the Secret Service not have a man on the same roof as the sniper he had no trouble with it. he was lying down to take the shot. The secret service men rushed the stage. Why were they NOT on the stage in the first place? Were exactly were they? Ever time you ever seen a photo of any president The video will show those men in sunglasses right beside the President. there is a lot of love out there sure yes, but when the hate is there, there is no changing their mind. nothing can change their mind.
He set it up himself they say, with hate in their hearts. How could you possibly say that? this is a man of great integraty and humility who wants nothing more than to serve his country. He does not need the money or the job. he Only Wants To MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGIAN. If he does he will also make the world a better and safer place for the next generation.
Everyday we need to be thankful for the family and friends who love us because they are the one who will keep us safe. Unfortunately we live in a world of hate and distrust. We should not misunderstand the role of God In our socioty. Hate will continue alongside love. we must be ready to stand up and fight for the right and justice. We will not be ashamed to stand by our friends if other people do or say hateful things.
Editorial Opinion President Google
"Ah don't be ridiculous you say," Google can't be Pesident'. anyway Google is a Democrat. and your voting republican. if you think through your day, do you list yor business with google and how much are you willing to pay to be first in line. then your phone of tv what about your smart speaker, or sign in with Google.every time you make these choises is there and other you could have made. Then the are these tiny little changes that Google makes that have a huge impact on how much time you spend on any given website. every tried to download your Google drive or even your home device how do you listen to your news .
No Google may not be president yet. But google has enough power to make one. The capitalist system thrives on competition. Monopoles make people unmotaved and lazy.
now take the reference here a google seach told me the site address was private. on another browser it is public.why?
SEE BELOW Kamala Harris, foreign POLICY
Editorial Opinion
The Problem with democrates
is they have no boundaries there are very few institution they actually respect. Including the presidency of the United States "I can assure you I know President Trumps Type" This schoolgirl remark was made by Kamala Harris, and it was all over the media." This kind of remark is degrading and disrespectful of the office of the president of the United States not Only that If President Trump was not the gentleman he is a remark like this is below the belt and could very well have been answered in kind. "I am a women in a blue suite my pronouns are She and Her" This second remark gives and indication of were Kamala Harris stand on the issues of sex identity in the school environmt. because the only place you can go after that remark is "MY pronouns are Maybe. She maybe black she maybe female But is she the face you want to see running America for the next four years. You know what the question if it is your boss. Is she competant? and that judging from her record is a NO.
remember Plato's Republic, It looks like President Trump really wants what is good For Americans anything else does not make sense.
Editorial Machine Ethic we asked AI
A I Online ask about ethics Link and credit