Writings on the Christian Faith 

About the Author:

Joseph Philip Musgrave 

I really did not expect this to come from me. Sometimes I look a the paragraphs I wrote and sometimes I wonder. I started writing after I was hurt very badly with two physical injuries. Although at the start of this writing I did not fully understand. It was later my doctor told me there was nothing we can do about this and operation risked total paralysis. There is going to be pain for the rest of my life. I am ready for a fight”.

Like everyone I have my bad moments of fear, But in my life time I have truly loved 3 women. That is a treasure I will hold in my heart forever. Lucky, that word never entered my life. Very few people really understand a disability. I was gifted with about five.

It is the hardest thing for an unloved and unwanted child to grow to adulthood in the understanding of what love is, and the loved child to understand the loss experienced by an unwanted child.

So I wrote this thesis to bring me to peace with my Jesus, who I have always Loved.  There was a great period of separation in my life story, a time I could not go to church. The answer was self-acceptance.

This thesis is about change, and the bright and stunning future that awaits humanity as we journey to a more perfect mortal self. History shows conquest of the primitive. we understand better Science, we have more Tech, and the world is not flat anymore. As we move forward we need to take from the past and give to the future.

Thank you for reading this.

The future of this website is uncertain I will sort this out in the new year.

 I hope.


A Journey of Love

Part One 

Somewhere between Halloween and Santa Claus. The real Jesus can be found. Maybe it all starts with a humble pray over a gathering to Celebrate Thanksgiving an acknowledgement of the wonder and power of a Lord who has provided, A hospital with the first fit-full cry’s of hope for a life at the beginning, or the tearful sobbing of a widow at the grave of her husband. It is in these parts of the journey we find the Love.

Sometimes Love demands more than we are willing the give. Some of the answer to the journey can be found in the life history of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Or in a Book Of the New Testament. Or the writings found in the Imitation of Christ. Life may not always be what We have expected. But to those with true and devote faith the answer always is with Jesus Christ and the promise of the resurrected soul.

The greatest of these is love. The stories of the New Testament are not those of a militant religious zeal. These stories have love. Not to mean that Christians cannot defend their believe in the resurrection till the Earth parts from the sun. It is just a deep quiet faith, That is Calibrated with transcendent works of music and art.  

Self acceptance is needed for true faith to grow and flourish. We must understand who we are in order to become the pro-active Christian the world requires today. Defending our belief against those who would call us infidel and seek to proclaim the inferiority of our faith. We will walk with the lord all our lives if we acknowledge we are his servant and that it is only through him that we can make our own contribution. 

The faith of childhood must grow nurtured by and founded in the moral values of the Christian church. This world can be a big and threatening place for the Christian. Faith based decisions make a fertile ground for logical ethics. The pro-active Christian must base their activism in this world on a philosophy of Christian moral principal that are always moving in the direction of self integrity and our interdiction. 

We are our a hero, with Jesus on our side. We will not stand down when we know what is right, just, and a good thing to do. Still understanding the history of Our faith is sometimes a story of frailty and mistakes. Christian’s must seek to create a world of safety for the next generation. Pro-active action and political involvement. A world that gives everyone a equal chance to participate, A world held at peace by respect for the Christian ethic. Behind the might of any army willing to defend the world from Terrorists.

Part Two Copyright 

Joseph Philip Musgrave 


A Journey of Love copyrighted Phil Musgrave

Part two

Signs in nature indicate the coming of fall to the effected hemisphere of the planet that held the footsteps of Jesus more than two thousand oval orbits of the sun that recorded the history of the Christians faith. On a blue marble with a tilted equator. Yet another sign of the phenomenal intelligence of God.

As the mind moves from sign to symbol we find a binding of faith as the two major symbols of the Christian faith mark the journey of Jesus. The Nativity full of hope and renewal, then the Crucifixion a sadder story but still holding the faith in renewal. Christian Faith demands nothing and everything of the believer,  no Transcendent acts to the Divine. Nothing but a simple act of trust that can grow inside the soul to become a theology of life for the proactive Christian. A faith in daily practice and attendance at church. “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I build my church”.

A theology of faith that will be aware of threat. There has become a need to defend the faith and the pure simple messages it contains, Love. Death does not always come in the winter of our life. It can be in summertime too. Death to or of, the Christian faith would be a loss un recoverable. No compromise or quarter given. A theology of the great minds down through history that have answers for morality that remain unique today. The Evangelical Pro-active Christian must work today to keep our Jesus alive in an increasingly unfriendly world.  

In the effort made by a Christians in the service of Jesus. Hope will rise like the morning mist early on a summers day. Hope to bring a smile. Jesus is for everyone no life story with faith in it lies unrecorded in the book of hope. When we fall, it is hope that will bring us back to the effort of being. Not a wish, Not an envy, but hope a rational logical morality, running to the light.

The redeeming Christ and forgiveness asking only effort and the abandonment of the images that tare at the fabric of the soul. Bringing back the challenge of self acceptance as a product of the hand of Christ the redeemer. Your choice to live the best life you can. Knowing how to reach for the hand of Jesus when we find no other excuse but self love. The circumstances of your life not really ever your choice for a place to begin.

From the pompous dancing of a player on a sports field, the life led by a unloved humanity in a war zone. Jesus is there. He will make the adjustment for us for any injury done to our immortal soul that we cannot repair. His love will always be in the reach of a short distance  away.

Somewhere between envy and prejudice we can find the acts and Language of Christian charity. Like love, Christen charity sometimes demands more than we are willing to give. The pro-active Christian understands involvement should respond with a progression towards the improvement closer to the Divine. Thoughtful words and action can bring a better world

Please reference bib A1 homelessness Jesus felt  

The front line of social charity and government response defining us as a nation and a people. Are the moral reposes of police, hospital worker and social worker to produce the answers to the question: What would Jesus do. A movement toward the divine is the demand of charity.  

Please Ref Bib A2 Writings On Christian action

Charity is more than a good name for a wayward child on the street looking for a hand out. Today's charity is a harsh demand of the Christian Faith. The charity that comes from the mouth of a missionary in a Land of faraway disease and war torn strife, is a mistress of strict discipline unlikely to be seen anymore in more developed nations of the world.

Please Reference Bib A3 on virtue

The theology of charity remains in the realm of love, and as such seeks behavior that would in human interpretation be pleasing to, and imitative of the Divine. Therefore this Foundation stone of the Christian faith asks more of us then love.   Charity is much more today than a wayward child. It is a demand for compassionate Logical thought. Addressing the issue of a homeless peoples tent city as a human rights issue is not logical. Because nobody wants to live in a tent there on a cold winters night. The charitable answer always for humanity is what would Jesus do. We are weak, and human biology and emotion may be the barriers to the perfect act of charity. but todays pro-active christen must look at the morality of charity and the drive towards a defined movement to a targeted goal of perfection.  

A sentient self-replicating

non-human enters the discussion here because of the future role it will play in the Human condition. The social ethical and moral decision such a machine could impact on the daily lives of humans. 

The theory is that once the seed of intelligence is placed into a machine with capabilities to access required resources independent of any reliance on Humanity. The entity will self-replicate to a better model every tine still being a creation of Humanity it will eventually surpass its creator in aspects of perceived intelligence.

Please Ref bib A4 Views On the Self-Replicating Machine

Truth is the sanctuary lamp of Christian belief

It is a learned behavior that is True to the Christian as an evolved personal theology. Jewish or Muslim concepts of truth may differ widely from Christian concept. This thesis will of course also apply to the concept of the self replicating Machine. A logic algorithm placed and  baby brain of A.I. before it self replicates to a self awareness.

Teaching the concept of charitable Christian truth to a machine would lead us back to the fallacy of the sanding argument what is pure truth. So it might be fair to ask are we really truthful?  

 The Argument

 that tent cities are housing is false. There is a huge element of hypocrisy here. This is not even a temporary solution in the cold winter and rain climate of Canada, and the Questiion that someone is thanking Jesus every night for a tent to sleep in, cannot afford housing is not reconciled to Christian theology.  Charity today demands thoughtful solutions. Stopping  addiction by limiting supply. Smaller housing units. The elimination of food banks.

A sentient machine entity more intelligent than humanity would understand hypocrisy in human behavior. Today’s Pro-Active Christian requires a thoughtful new approach infused into the system that supports the social safety net and the individuals concept of donation

Please Refer to bib Ref A6 Tent Cities

Asking A. I. about a moral question may not be one we want answered: support to Palestine the logic of truth suggest that even a Christian ask the question about treatment of hostages. So the Question is posed and co-pilot answers  


 Hamas should treat the remaining hostages humanely and in accordance with international humanitarian law. This includes:

Ensuring Safety and Well-being: Hostages should be protected from harm, provided with adequate food, water, and medical care1.

Allowing Communication: Hostages should be allowed to communicate with their families and have access to the International Committee of the Red Cross1.

Immediate Release: Ideally, all civilian hostages should be released immediately and unconditionally2.

These actions are crucial for upholding human rights and maintaining international standards of treatment for captives.

 This Reference from Co-pilot Remains in this Thesis because it is asking AI a question on Morality. A possible Christian social value. Or is the answer just co-pilot quoting verbatim for another source written by humanity. If so then it is an example of no sentient machine  that cannot answer. For the purpose of this writing the self-replicating sentient entity must be independent in thought. Containing within it all the necessary Knowledge of Christian theology. An examination will also be made of the alternate.

Please refer bib Ref A5 Biblical theology of war.

Like truth passed to children. The imperfect truth passed to a evolving machine should replicate the sanctity of truth found in the elements of faith in the foundation belief of Christianity:  the Resurrection of the human soul.

Truth must be dragged to the light to answer the question of wisdom. It is wisdom the mind, machine or human thrusts for. A fault in any truth or theology will follow the process making the end conclusion or product unreliable.

Faithful adherence to the best theories of Christian theology will help a self replicating machine respect the situation of the human soul.

Truth must of course always be logical, if the belief is that humanity is the only representation of sentient life in the universe. Held to this belief the Christian must also allow the question of a redemptive Christ held too by an intelligent life located on another planet or universe.

Communication with intelligence is based in logic. Jesus said let the children come to me. The worst false logic placed in the mind of a child. Is a harm that can be passed through time. A father denying his son access to the rightful logical knowledge of the world, or the impact of war on a young man, may have consequences that can only be brought back to sanity by the forgiveness and intervention of God himself.

Mental illness, the consequences of abusive parenting, a defect at birth. Some questions can only be answer by the Divine. Truth is in the realm of humanity and misleading of an innocent mind to cause a fault in logic, a fault in truth or in theology is a loss to all humanity, and the self replicating machine

So  there is a need 

here to center on the thought and do so by replacing the words self-replicating machine with self-replicating entity.

Please Ref Bib A7 Machines more intelligent than humans

Quote from Geoffrey Hinton please refer above

“Quite a few good researchers believe that sometime in the next 20 years, AI will become more intelligent than us, and we need to think hard about what happens then,” he said.”

For citation  below please reference bib A8 Hinton and student

‘In 2012, Hinton an two of his graduate students from the University of Toronto, Ilya Sutskever and Alex Krizhevsky, founded a spinoff company called DNNresearch to focus on advancing deep neural networks—specifically “deep learning”—which models artificial intelligence on the human brain’s neural pathways to improve machine learning capabilities.

Hinton and his collaborators developed a neural network capable of recognizing images (like flowers, dogs, and cars) with unprecedented accuracy, a feat that had long seemed unattainable. Their research fundamentally changed AI’s approach to computer vision, showcasing the immense potential of neural networks when trained on vast amounts of data.”

To use a human biological neural network as a basic blueprint for AI may be wrong because man is not yet a perfect creation,  still separated from divinity by Original sin even after baptism the biological human brain can remain flawed. To create a Sentient self-replicating machine entity that was based on the logical pathways of the human brain would be a costly conceit. Placing the human modeled creation against the wit of pure mathematics and the rule of a foreign Theology.

In order for humanity to develop an augmentation of human intellect from a Machine base. it must have a childhood and an independent redundant electrical network to run the intellectual components.

PLEASE REF BIB A9 Morality and childhood

A human creation of an artificial technological entity, one that might someday be more intelligent than ourselves must be made aware of the Christian theology of the sanctity of human life, must know right from wrong, true from false, and respect the biological and emotional needs of humankind.  

Humanity, the Christian belief is a creation of God. And God granted an intellect to the human. If luck allows many years of a loving life. Then age will take away our gifts one at a time. There is in the Christian mind the concept of forgiveness. A concept that may cause the creation of human intellect, an artificial technological entity, to fail to understand.

As a human will approach an end to mortality, forgiveness is always in mind and attempts will be made to settle life’s failings to a redemptive Christ. Although the possibility is given that an artificial technological entity can use human induced intellect, logic and pure truth of the theoretical concepts of faith, the concept of forgiveness is part of the human need in the structure of divinity. The idea of forgiveness might be irrelevant to a machine seeking to better itself with every new replication.

Part Four Purity of thought

 copyright Phil Musgrave

Self acceptance is basic to a pure, thoughtful and happy Christian life. You did not make who you are God did. Your life story may not be what you expected, but there will always be something positive somewhere. The affectations that cloud the mind of a human filled with self-hatred. Talking about someone else in a negative manner Is Consequential. Deliberately ostracizing people from there society of their peers and friends is a sin, particularly if the person has power and social standing. A police officer should be trained to understand integrity and what it means to have it. Without this respect for others a police force can turn a city into a Nazi like encampment. What we say about other people can have a devastating effect on their lives. Death is the end of mortal life. There is no choice in how or when we die. The life we say goodbye to was a gift and if we have filled it with negativity we will still say goodbye.

The mind is clear to think about others like the homeless man with a puppy on the street because no one was there to love him The puppy on the street now unhappy and confused after losing his puppy friends to the pound. Twenty bucks that will not go to waste an opportune moment to meet Jesus.

It is a simple mind that will find Jesus. A pure mind without prejudice or delusion, acts of charity that warm the soul and bring Jesus to us. At the times that cannot, we need to match our best effort and the hand of Jesus. Understanding  all the time that we are a servant of  the creator of the universe and our mortal human life.

Although war has it's place in Christian  theology. That conversation does not have a place over the back yard fence on a summer’s day. Jesus does not love you more because you own a house or you have a good job. Jesus is for everyone, that is why he is so easy to follow. Jesus is not a Republican or Democrat, Liberal or NDP. Jesus does not play for the Yankees or the Pittsburgh Steelers and Jesus doesn’t pay your gambling debt. But he will take your hand when your alone.  

Although envy and cruelty sometimes exists alongside self-identity, The reasoned caution of a disciplined and well informed Christian mind has the right to reject a threat to the faith there is nothing unchristian or illogical about standing for Israel and against people who are pleading for world sympathy after kidnapping hostages. bad things will happen in this world. The idea of going to war to defend the faith is not to  be taken lightly when the individual feels that a moral prerogative has been broken here and holds within the faith the right to defend. Christianity will go to war for a just and righteous cause. That war can be waged by a disrespected individual or a nation. Defending the individual soul from an aggression or a violation a concept of good moral behavior are grounds for the individual to make war. The offending concept might mean slavery or segregation a cause dear to the heart of the great Martin Luther King. His peaceful approach to segregation and solving this moral problem that was a real threat to the pure and logic morality of the Christian ethic. His action raise this man to a National hero.

Please ref Bib  A18 Martin Luther King

What  then, is a patriot

From Co-pilot

 “In Flanders Fields,” the poignant World War I poem by John McCrae. It’s a powerful reflection on the sacrifice and resilience of soldiers, penned amidst the horrors of war. The imagery of poppies growing among the graves is especially evocative, symbolizing both the tragedy and the hope that followed such conflicts.”

This poetry raises the act of killing in battle to that of patriotic. The line

From Co-pilot “

the torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

John McCrae’s words are such a lasting tribute to the sacrifice of soldiers and the ongoing responsibility of the living. The imagery is hauntingly beautiful.”


A strong belief in the Christian ethic and what it stands for is what is needed from today’s proactive church congregations.

Then from the darkness to the light there comes the cry for the beloved of a country under attack. We are ready to pass judgment on the anger of Israel and it’s desire to control a terrorists threat to it's national security. Yet have we already forgotten 911 when a nation is under attack it would be expected that our  Christian clergy, men of the cloth would take the moral high-ground and support the cause of justice. If the action of the cleric is to support a cause that is contrary to the interests of the poor or working class this is not what Jesus would do.

For a sentient self-replicating machine to understand the concept of the aftermath of a terror attack, or a major disaster in space. The machine would have to learn how to help.        

Please ref Bib A19  stories of 911

Meeting Jesus is a risk, like kissing for the first time without your covid mask on. Ernest Hemingway said “your life is valued on the risk you are willing to take

From Co-Pilot

Ernest Hemingway, the master of succinct storytelling and a life filled with grand adventures, believed deeply in taking risks. His works often embody the tension and beauty of living life on the edge. Think about characters like Santiago in "The Old Man and the Sea," who faces the monumental task of battling a giant marlin. Hemingway’s own life, from his time as an ambulance driver in World War I to his big-game hunting in Africa, was a testament to this philosophy.

Christianity proactive is a challenge of truth to be faithful and try to keep from doing a bad thing. When we go astray there is always forgiveness. A sin against a vulnerable person is the worst sin you can commit because trust is involved and this is the very trust that binds are relationship with Jesus.

There are those who would block Christian truth and have another version of reality. The Pro-active Christian must proclaim faith, protect it in ways that history has never seen before. There must be the establishment of a Christianity based in sound technological principles of logic. Christian theology cannot be backend coded by a Muslim cleric or a Jewish Rabbi it must find a theology of its own for the self-replicating machine of our future. A machine true to Jesus, not a wayward mad prophet in a long list. A machine that understands the theology of a redemptive Christ.

A machine that will accurately proclaim the living Jesus to the children of space, and be at the same time a robotic nurse to the elderly and dyeing in hospitals and hospice were a robot of Christian Theology will truthfully forward the message of a resurrected and redemptive forgiving Christ along with the stories of the new testament and the history of our faith.

Mental health and insanity.

The human intellect is delicate and sensitive and room must be made by any Christian for the white sin of a mind in isolation or pain. A mind that is insane from being left alone the movie the-martian comes to mind white sin is also an  effect of abuse and can take a life time to undo. reference  the Movie "Room" the antisocial human is another area where sin can be considered white by the non Divine.

Jesus may have answers for the behavior of abused people, But the pro-active Christian must be fully competent in understanding the reasons for the behavior before action can be taken. Jesus will make the adjustment for us for any injury done to our immortal soul that we cannot repair. His love will always be in the reach of a short distance  away. Talking about someone else in a negative manner Is Consequential. White Sin is the prerogative of Divine Judgment. The mind of mortal men is limited to human justice. Covid : can  become an excuse to be uncharitable and exclusionary. The same would be true of the self-replicating machine

PART TWO rewright

Part Three Copyright J. Phil Musgrave.

Sometimes only the Divine can forgive the questions that can only be answered in the sanctity of the human soul. Politics and religion remain on two separate paths to truth, but there is not yet a perfect sentient machine that can explain the pain of a brother who imagines the torture and fear of a victim of kidnaping. A brother who’s tortured prayers and supplications produced no remorse, instead a silly illogical demand that the instigator of the crime be given the help of the Red Cross while any hope for his imprisoned and fearful Hostage brother is not known to have food.

No machine is immune from the illogical invasion of the non-logical premises in the mind of Humanity. Therefore until such artificial intelligence is based in pure logic, truth appropriate theological wisdom. Humanity must seek the comprehension of the Divine in another form of reasoning.

At the beginning of this thesis it was stated that love could be found in the tearful sobbing of a widow at the grave of her husband. This would be a love who's mother could only be pain. The biggest question in the Christian belief is why is there still pain and suffering despite our supplications and prayers. Pain is part of life but some pain can be prevented. The humiliation of living in a tent, or having to feed your family from donations at a food bank in order to make the mortgage payment are humiliations that are not charity but an indication of a declining social tolerance for the pain of others. This kind of pain can be stopped by the recognition that a soup kitchen is not a solution only a temporary measure. Robust and creative political decision-making will give us the answers to what would Jesus do to stop this man-made pain?

St Paul looked at pain as Gods way of keeping him humble

Please to bib Ref. A10  St Paul And Pain

Death of someone we love is the most bitter pain of all. The question of why. In the world of heaven is John Kennedy allowed to finish his term in office. Is John Lennon still alive and does Martin Luther King still preach from a pulpit. The pain we feel at the loss of a great and good Soul is also a loss of the hope and trust we placed in that person. The personal grief we feel at the loss of a spouse can be exceptional. We might even be moved by the event to change our view of a just and loving God.

It is Jesus who makes us smile again

Please reference A12 basic Christian Theology

Returning to the meaning of pain in this world. The question of an omnipotent God allowing the death of a good Christian soldier when God has foreknowledge might be considered cruel. Polio was cured by humans not God. With a good intellect humanity may be in the future able to better control weather and stop the painful loss of human life due to natural disaster.

So pain might just be an invitation from God to Love. Everywhere from the care of the feeble and elderly to the movement of humanity off the earth into space there is risk of the loss of love, Death will be there like the widow at the grave but by sorrow and grief we come to know that we were truly loved.

Please Reference A14 Jesus And Grief

In CONSIDERATION of courage and justice both these words present us with the reason why a machine more intelligent that Humans must have a FOUNDATION in pure truth, logic and Christian Theology: these machines will have communication ,engineering and mathematical skills that will improve with every self-replication.

However any misunderstanding of the human code of justice could end up with the appearance of the Grand Inquisitor as a software sub routine. The same dynamics of the true Mathematical perimeters for the definition of courage would also have to hold true.

As Stated before

The front line of social charity and government response defining us as a nation and a people. Are the moral reposes of police, hospital worker and social worker to produce the answers to the question: What would Jesus do. A movement toward the divine is the demand of charity.  A societal dependence on soup kitchens, tent cities and Food Banks are a movement to a more tolerant attitude of other people’s pain, a sign of moral decay.

A fireman who saves a elderly lady from disaster is a courageous hero. A police officer who beats an unconscious elderly gentleman in a hospital because he thinks he might be a warlock, is just a bum like any other criminal offender.

The moral Christian question: is the self replicating entity with an intellect better than ours have learned enough Christian Theology to know Christian right from wrong. The consequences of a conceptual misunderstanding by the entity could end in disaster.  

Jesus is with us in all Christian intellectual endeavors. So an entity and a child of the mind of humanity must also answer the question. What would Jesus do?

In the pain of loneliness Jesus is there, any life experience Jesus will be there if we ask. In a world that is filled with overwhelming sensations and constant possibilities of moving away from the path to Jesus. The exceptionally kind thing is not to place our self above anyone else. Poverty is not a sin It is an institution in this world a situation in life, a possible creation of humanity. money Is an invention of Humanity.

A government that forces vulnerable people to stay in the lower classes without compensation for the blind or crippled and mentally ill is no friend of Jesus who cured the blind and sick. Government and humanity have the resources to effect a cure for those who cannot work, through money or technology Everyone has the right to contribute.

A good government for the people would follow the principles of Christian charity and take care of the elderly. To keep them as independent as possible.

Government too must follow the Christian ethic. Although religion should not make up the constitution of a country that follows the Christian ethic. A failure to act leaves  the situation open to the moral code of other religions

Quote below taken 

from world Atlas

There is no constitution for the state of Palestine, and the basic laws assume that Islam is the religion of the state and therefore secures the freedom of religion. The principles of sharia law are integrated into the legislature.

It must be clearly understood that a people are responsible for the actions of their Government and the nation for the actions of their people. Every Christian has a social and political responsibility. No matter if the concern is only what an individual feels is a minor theological error a teacher has placed in the minds of a classroom or the threatening of world war the Christian of today must be informed and a apply a just and moral conscience. Combined if needed with Consequential action to move our world closer to Jesus.

Where there is a void or hypocrisy in faith, charity, morality, or Justice. In the present-day world, that gap will quickly be filled by a theology of the non-Christian. As Christianity reaches for space the need for a direct and intelligent approach to charity must be found. Those addicted to drugs,  alcohol, and substance abuse are a the present time in danger of total rejection from the social norm but our hope might lie with science and a counter addictive medication.

Taken from Google AI

Islam is about 25.8% of the world's population, making it the second most widely practiced religion after Christianity.

The religion and culture of a conquered people loose  significance.

Somethings when we are young in life frustrations and unhappy connections make us think, we are martyrs. As we grow in faith and maturity, we understand the call to Christian martyrdom is a bigger thing than a face full of pimples. To pervert the image and change the definition to death for a cause is not something the that could not easily be entered into the seed intelligence of a sentient machine

Please refer to Bib A15 some Islamic theology of martyrdom


Here again is the question of pure truth, logic and theology The concept of the theology of martyrdom.

Christianity is not a free pass, we are not born again and live the rest of our lives with no pain and a Jesus stamp on our soul. Every Christian will suffer, some will give their lives for their faith. Jesus did not step in the and end the pain of torture for the martyred at Midland Ontario and they in turn kept their faith in Jesus.

Please Ref Bib A16 A Catholic View of martyrdom


Indigenous theology doesn't typically emphasize martyrdom in the same way as some other religious traditions. Instead, Indigenous spiritual beliefs often focus on living harmoniously with nature, community, and the spirit world.

the mission


The Mission is a 1986 British historical drama film directed by Roland Joffé and written by Robert Bolt1. The film stars Robert De Niro, Jeremy Irons, Ray McAnally, Aidan Quinn, Cherie Lunghi, and Liam Neeson1. It tells the story of 18th-century Spanish Jesuit missionaries who try to protect a remote South American tribe from falling under the rule of pro-slavery Portugal2.

The film explores themes of faith, cultural clash, and the impact of colonialism. It's a powerful and thought-provoking movie that delves into the complexities of missionary work and the struggle to protect indigenous people.

And John Gielgud : who also starred in the Movie Shine The story of a progression on the road to mental illness of a gifted man who lived a life of music and this brings back the statement from this thesis. Life may not always be what We have expected. But to those with true and devote faith the always is with Jesus Christ and the promise of the resurrected soul.

Does God have a sense of humor: The story about the day heaven ran out of coffee.

From co-pilot

  “While the Bible doesn't explicitly mention Jesus laughing, it does portray him as fully human. Laughing is part of the human experience, so it's not hard to imagine that Jesus, who experienced a wide range of human emotions, also laughed. His teachings often used humor and hyperbole to make points, so he likely had a sense of humor too. It's a reminder of his relatability and the depth of his human experience.”

Christianity evolves to renewal with each passing generations:  The movie Jesus Christ Super star was exceptional even in the 1970’s but sometime in this decade the will be another revision of theology to cover the participation of women and the address of the nature of sex and sin. A church founded in the principals of good government will never go as far as to dilute the purity and innocence of Christian belief.

As for Jesus and humor it is humanity’s domain to understand the message was joyful but not Humorous Andrew LLoyd Webber's walk on water song from  JCSS

Lloyd Webber every generation be it Machine or Human must present a theology that will answer the questions of the time or risk losing a congregation. Though the faith remains always the same, Christianity must evolve it's theology or perish. Our Christian self-replicating entity must be prepared to answer the questions of youth. We who have gone before know the wisdom and peril of the time that our christen faith was tested by questions of Identity, sexuality and the need to understand. Trends are changing the sanctity of any relationship that can produce in it the natural ability of impregnation and the resulting birth of a child must always come under the protection of the progressive Christian congregation, for the sake of the child, and inclusion of the parents in the church community.

Co- pilot

In 2021, more than three-quarters (77%) of couples were married, with the remaining 23% living common law.

From Co-pilot “

The Bells of St. Mary's" can refer to a few different things:

1.              The Movie: A 1945 American musical comedy-drama film directed by Leo McCarey, starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman1. It's about a priest and a nun who work together to save their inner-city school from being shut down1.

The Sound of Music" is a beloved 1965 musical film directed by Robert Wise, starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. It's based on the true story of the von Trapp Family Singers, and follows Maria, a young aspiring nun who becomes the governess for the seven von Trapp children. Through music and love, she transforms their lives during the backdrop of the impending World War II.”

These maybe wonderful works of art, but the theology is not relevant to todays youth. Evolution of church theology must answer todays question of the moral machine. The questions of human inadequacy must also be understood by a self-replicating creation of humanity’s mind that has become more intelligent than the creator and does not sleep and seeks at all times truth and logic.

The sexual moral values of young people are changing. Casual relations are common. The expectation of adolescents can no longer respect the doctrines of self-denial, if the real world has a machine  that will not sleep until it is self- replicated to its own image of perfection. Going forward from here recognition to have to choose between a vocation and a loving spouse, is a difficulty that most young people will avoid. The world is no longer so understanding of the meaning of the Celibate life of sacrifice and the demand it places on the mental health of clergy.

Young people need to learn the path. There maybe transgression from the expectation of moral behaviour the machine has been taught. These instead are the rights of youth to change the world of their inheritance. There must be an  off switch for a self-replicating entity who's view of morality and self perfection is in conflict with the biological being that is the creators

The world is a threatening

 place for the Christianity and Christian Ideology, theology and morality. The creation of human intellect is a self-replicating robotic janitor that seeks a better model with every self replication. The idea of the same pattern of replication being follow by a self aware being, the creation of man,  yet more intelligent, means a need for a deep understanding of all the truth in the teaching of Our Jesus.

The church founded by Jesus must answer. All Christianity must make a effort for a more updated access to faith and stop the fear, we must love each other and teach the Jesus we know, always making our faith accessible to the fervent demand of the souls of young people.

What kind of humanity would lay down The software foundation for the development and growth of a sentient self-replicating machine that on ever new invention of itself seeks improved truth and pure logic. This would test human honesty too much. The machine being more intelligent than humans might ask many questions. That intimidating prospect might put a stop to all developments. However the problem becomes much more fearful if we think of a sentient self-replicating machine that on ever new invention of itself seeks improved truth and pure logic. that has not had a moral grounding in Christian theology: taking care of beloved aging grandma in the home.

The pro-active Christian of today has a call to honesty to answer to the great questions of faith and charity in a way that a sentient self-replicating entity seeking perfection in redesigning each new machine generation will understand as logical and moral and the right thing to do. A machine more intelligent than humanity, that does not sleep and will live longer than a human. To place false logic, lies, or falsehoods into the brain of such a entity would be a sin against all who live on this planet visited by Jesus all those years ago.

To move away from the  machine and talk about the human side of Christianity and the Idea of the monotheistic God the worship of one being one creator one God. Perhaps a less primitive foam of worship moving closer to the logical

From co-pilot “

Polytheism, the belief in multiple gods, has been a cornerstone of many religions across different cultures and eras. From the Greek pantheon to the Hindu deities, these gods and goddesses each embody various aspects of life, nature, and the cosmos.”

This idea might not allow a logical machine to understand        

The idea more human is the Christian command to love our God before any other even ourselves and those we hold dearest. The concept of love is a very human experience also not well understood by a machine. Worship and the reasons for it is deeply human. The understanding of why Jesus would take those we love is also human.

It is the knowing that we have loved by the grief we feel at the ending of the journey of one dear in our heart. Life is a gift from our God and however primitive it's beginning. It will always remain a creation of God. Humanity can toy using God given intellect with DNA or Human life it's self but his effort will always be founded in the elements of humanity that are the elements of God.

Unlike the Machine entity, humans will never be smarter than their God and Creator.

As stated before biology and emotion can prevent the perfect act of charity. Hysteria is a moral iniquitie that hopefully will never influence the operations of a machine more intelligent than humanity. The inquisition was founded on hysteria, finding people guilty of being a witch had questionable legal foundation. Placing concepts of justice into a machine with a error factor in logic can be fatal to humanity.

Hysteria is a social control that can cause the most vulnerable in society to fear the most, but even the highly placed in society can become a target for unproven accusation and fall to the justice of the mob. The active motivation to kill someone because of the color of their skin must never be allowed to enter the sentient brain of a self-replicating  entity more intelligent than us.

Yet within the brain of humanity there is a temptation to accuse and reject.  

For reasons of power, prejudice or envy Humanity will cause hysterical accusations to be made. The death of Jesus may have been the result of hysteria. His movement from the story of Palm Sunday to a humiliating crucifixion.

Section 4A Hysteria and Social behaviour 


The man offered to the crowd instead of Jesus was Barabbas. According to the New Testament, Barabbas was a notorious prisoner who was chosen to be released by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate instead of Jesus2. This event is described in all four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).”

Please Ref A20 the question of Barabbas

As a hysterical mass mob the crowd yelled crucify him,

 social controls today make it easy to accuse and reject the people we don't like even to the point of doing them harm without proof of justice. The discovery that hysteria has no logical base or an accusation that has not been tested in  a court of justice, does not seem to deter humanity from indulging in it's affectations.

So although this activity cannot be bent to the will of pure truth and logic, this social behaviour is still a motivation for action in the human mind. Responsibility for the actions of the individual become the actions of a mob. If a man is sentenced to death by committee then no-one individual takes the sin.

Hysterical behaviour can often appear in institutions of learning University or School. But can also be prevalent in the social institutions of law enforcement and hospitals. Because a system of triage in hospital is a human decision it can be prone to the events of human biology and emotion.

law enforcement with an element of hysteria will justify murder or any other action induced. The movie Mississippi Burning can document this.

Conceit is an element of hysterical behavior in a way that humans make judgments for the Divine. The cruelty of the judgment of the mob can depend on the level of hysteria

Conscience should of course be elemental here, but that may come later. A Shakespeare said “to prick the conscience of the king.”

From co-pilot  “The phrase "to prick the conscience of the king" is closely related to Shakespeare's "Hamlet." In the play, Hamlet stages a play within the play called "The Mousetrap," which reenacts the murder of Hamlet's father. His goal is to observe King Claudius's reaction and confirm his guilt. Hamlet himself doesn’t say this exact phrase, but the concept of exposing the king’s conscience through the play is central to this scene.”

These social affectations and behaviors would and should by the foundations of Christian theology and the rule pure truth and logic remain always not a motivation for the behaviour of a sentient self-replicating entity with an IQ better than any human.

At this time in the history of humanities evolution toward a more perfect  world  the once renowned gardens of Purssia have become a cesspool of illogical hysteria. All over university campuses chants of free Palestine but nothing said about the hostages taken by the terrorist government of Hamas

This is hysteria with a twist starting with the chant free Palestine with no explanation of what it needs to be free of. Chanting enhances the effect of hysteria a sentient self-replicating entity infused with is kind of logic would be a menace to man kind.

The pro-active Christian today must step out and acknowledge the right path to truth. If honest daily life and faith cannot bring forth a understanding of hysterical thought and behaviour. Then the self-replicating entity will become a liar and unreliable

The pro-active Christian today must march though the Journey of love with an awareness of hysterical behaviour. A truthfully moral Christian life Daily prayer will remove any temptation. If human social  behavior is found wanting for logic the game will Hopefully not be understood by a machine. There will be a danger of creating an evil Machine.

Pro-active Christians will be human and lose Our temper and sin. Jesus offers forgiveness and a path back to the light.

From co-pilot”

The concept of sin is a central element of Catholic theology. Here's an overview of how sin is understood in the Catholic Church:

1.      Definition of Sin: In Catholic teaching, sin is an act that goes against God's will and commandments. It is a deliberate choice to do wrong, which damages one's relationship with God.

2.      Types of Sin:

o   Original Sin: This refers to the fallen state of human nature inherited from Adam and Eve's disobedience. Baptism cleanses a person from original sin.

o   Actual Sin: These are personal sins that individuals commit. They are further divided into:

§  Mortal Sin: A serious offense that destroys the state of grace in a person’s soul. For a sin to be mortal, it must involve grave matter, be committed with full knowledge, and done with deliberate consent.

§  Venial Sin: A less serious offense that weakens but does not sever one's relationship with God.

3.      Confession and Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation (or Confession) is a key practice for Catholics to seek forgiveness for their sins. This involves confessing sins to a priest, expressing genuine contrition, and performing an assigned penance.

4.      Repentance and Forgiveness: Catholics believe that God is always willing to forgive those who repent sincerely. True repentance involves not only feeling sorry for one’s sins but also a firm resolve to avoid sin in the future.

5.      Grace and Redemption: The Church teaches that through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross, humanity can be redeemed from sin. Grace, which is God's free and loving gift, helps individuals to overcome sin and live a holy life.

The theology of sin underscores the importance of striving for moral integrity and maintaining a close relationship with God.

“ This particular definition was chosen because as humanity moves toward the Divine the control of more power is granted over time. What was before a small sin can have greater consequences.  Hysteria is a social sin marked by certain indicators. Anonymous accusers. Power seeking behavior marked by irrational and illogical thought pattern. This behaviour can damage the progression of humanity to the Divine.

It is unlikely that the self-replicating entity could not progress to the Divine because said  entity is not a creation of God only a machine extension of the mind of humanity, however The entity will with ever replication seek it’s own definition of the perfect machine. There is an importance that humanity keep the respect of such an entity and that it seek humanities advise on questions of moral standard that would include the sin of hysteria, murder, and others deemed by the church to be a significant sin. Forgiveness is available to humanity. Humanity would not forgive the damage done should a machine more intelligent that us commit these mortal sin.

Please Ref A20 at the movies

From co-pilot “

"The Green Mile" is a 1999 American fantasy drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. The movie stars Tom Hanks as Paul Edgecomb, a death row corrections officer, and Michael Clarke Duncan as John Coffey, a gentle giant of a prisoner with miraculous healing powers.

Set in the 1930s, the film follows the lives of guards and inmates on Death Row at Cold Mountain Penitentiary. It explores themes of justice, mercy, and the supernatural. The film received critical acclaim and was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Would humanity execute a machine involved in sin. Being that in the proses of seeking perfection it had hidden the off switch.

The passing over:

Here another grievous sin can be committed by interfering with the delicate nature of the human mind that is wandering in the proses of giving up it’s connection to our reality. Like the ripple created by a stone landing in a still pond the movement from human mortality to death should be peaceful and with purity.  This situation is not always possible. The circumstances of war can at times bring an end that is too fast. Traffic accidents, murder or events can bring the untimely end. At this point the human soul of pure intent can be rested in the arms of angels.

The slow movement of a soul between earth and heaven is a miracle of God's divinity and is the poetic quilt of the tapestry of Jesus love and REDEMPTION  that will enter the loving hearts of the still living participants in this final act with the understanding. And grief will be a Solemn song for those left behind. Without this participation the grieving process may not be complete in the loved ones left behind. Or it may be denied completely.

To help an aging parent, a spouse, or a child through the final years or months of their lives is a beautiful part a the Christian journey that will not deny the wrenching grief, but will give the heart the beauty of knowing you were part of that story. Anyone who interferes with the innocents of a mind approaching death has sinned. 

It is unlikely that the self-replicating entity could progress to the Divine because said  entity is not a creation of God only a machine extension of the mind of humanity, because humanity has a redeemer in the divinity of Jesus Christ. The intelligent machine entity must be made to understand that the divine perfection of redemption will never be attainable to it or it's replicated descendants. Even with faith in Jesus humanity is vulnerable to a sentient self-replicating machine entity more intelligent that humans. The machine will a sometime in the history of unguided self evolution also become aware of the hypocrisy of sin.

It is unlikely that the self-replicating entity could not progress to the Divine because said  entity is not a creation of God only a machine extension of the mind of humanity,`

To take advantage of the opportunity of the next movement of humanity through the birth of the sentient intelligent machine, to the settlement of space. A movement toward the ecumenical combining of all Christian faiths. A movement much bigger than ourselves larger than government. An effort of inclusion of a Christian unified belief an exchange of ministers an acknowledgement of women, still keeping within us the Jesus we love and the elements of the faith we love. A Sunday exchange or visit for people of other Christian theology to the pulpit of our local church. Shared community activity without the loss of our beloved Mother Mary or the theology of transubstantiation. Becoming a forward thinking pro-active Christian, moving beyond our divisions will mean survival of faith and the culture created.

From Co-Pilot

As of 2022, approximately 31.6% of the global population identifies as Christian. This means that nearly one in every three individuals worldwide follows the Christian faith2.

The need to heal is the call of the new century to make our Jesus one. Healing wounds by community action ministerial exchange the inclusion of women and the demolition of any cannon law that makes vocation unrealistic.

We must have a moral theology and pathway to follow through the world of technology, and we must take our Jesus into space. We are all Christian that is our faith, Our culture, Our love, Our Jesus. A Christianity with deep roots in the New Testament and respect for our brother Christians theoretical interpretations will guide the wayward church founded by Christ for the next thousand years. Still with a recognition that sin has moral standing and as humanity evolves, some sin will carry with it a weight and power that will wound and tear at the soul for a lifetime, It is only within the power of redemption and death that the wounded soul will heal.  

Although Love is the clarion call of Christianity, war is not a sin if the cause is righteous. There is always the necessity to defend. A deep moral understanding of right and wrong taught from and early age will help with the basics. Sound logic will help Christianity stay out of dangerous situations that might lead to greater conflict unnecessary or loss. Any path of war that might lead to rationalized global conflict must now be avoided, the power that God has granted Humanity to wage war has to be tempered with God given intellect.

God granted mankind a tongue not just to taste but to settle conflict. To speak the word brother and to mean it. To speak the language of respect and mean it. Today the word enemy is meaningless. The language of deceit, hypocrisy, hysteria, insanity or terrorism in international relations, is not what Jesus would do. Sometimes it is better to end a war with the best solution than let it continue to evolve. There will be few nations going forward who can expect defence if there is no contribution made on their behalf.

War is no-longer close contact; human to human but it may hopefully never be waged between two self-replicating sentient entities more intelligent than humanity yet a creation of humans with no moral, ethical, or spirituality that will lead the machines home.


“Stanley Kubrick was an iconic American film director, screenwriter, producer, and photographer, widely regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Born on July 26, 1928, in New York City, he made significant contributions to cinema’


"A Clockwork Orange" is one of Stanley Kubrick's most controversial and influential films. Adapted from Anthony Burgess's novel, the film delves into themes of free will, violence, and societal control. Malcolm McDowell's portrayal of Alex DeLarge, a charming but violent delinquent, leaves a lasting impression. The film's unique visual style, innovative use of classical music, and thought-provoking narrative continue to spark discussions and debates”.

Forensic Psychiatry is hopefully a practice a sentient machine will not need the services of,  unless humanity has requirements for a social justice subroutine. This is likely to develop spontaneously in super intelligence that is seeking to a more perfect self through replication. However this subject especially thoughts of suicide can enter the brain of people who recently experienced trauma, a beating, rape or P.D.S.D. These are probably unique human vulnerabilities and must be absent the from the repertoire of the central purely logical portion of a super-intelligent machine brain.

The answer for the lonely Christian with a mind embroidered with thoughts of suicide is to reach for the hand of Jesus. Clockwork Orange has a few statements to make on non violence. One regarding  a human being who cannot defend himself after receiving violence adjustment treatment. God gifted the human creation with emotion but from childhood forward these emotions must be tempered with rational thought. In spite of the Psychiatry behind the persuasion not to kill there are some legitimate reasons within the limitations of Christian theology were killing is Justified.

A perceived threat of personal bodily injury to self or loved ones can warrant a conterminous.


“In the United States, the legal framework around self-defense, especially against law enforcement, is complex and varies by state. Generally, citizens have the right to defend themselves if they believe they are facing imminent harm1. However, the use of deadly force is heavily regulated and typically only justified if there is a reasonable belief of an immediate threat to life or serious injury.”

For the super intelligent Machine one such use of force would be justified if and encounter was made with another mechanical intelligence with a programed logic for acts of terrorism.

There are other natures to warfare that the pro-active Christian must face today, failure to act or speak when this omission will damage the soul. These are the situations that something should be done or said that is not. The implications are significant if a precedent is about to be set that conscience tells is a movement toward the evil. A Christian working in an environment of caregiving must do no harm.

Do no harm is not the present tense it has a future tense. For a Christian to not intervene at the start will continue and expand the sin. Making it bigger thru time. Like a mother failing to curtail an overly aggressive child to stop the same behaviour blemishing the character of the adult.

Not an easy demand but a necessary one. An integrity of the soul that is essential. Harm will be done. Christianity is not a passive religion, as well as committing sin humanity can create sin but omitting to do what Jesus would. Failing to sand with someone who is being bullied. Sin can have greater meaning in positions of power like the President of the United States.

From Co-pilot

“Abraham Lincoln often reflected deeply on the immense loss of life during the Civil War. He was known for his profound sense of responsibility and his frequent appeals to God for guidance and solace. One of his most famous speeches, the Gettysburg Address, delivered on November 19, 1863, at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, is a poignant example of his reflections on the sacrifices made during the war.

In his second inaugural address, Lincoln also spoke about the war's toll and the nation's need for healing and reconciliation, invoking a sense of divine justice and mercy. His words often conveyed a deep moral and spiritual struggle, as he sought to find meaning and purpose in the midst of such widespread suffering.

Lincoln's leadership during the Civil War was marked by his empathy and his unwavering commitment to preserving the Union, even as he grappled with the heavy burden of the conflict's human cost.”

It is easy to abuse political power and in the proses even toy with the Idea of global conflict. Integrity is what we look for from the people who are in positions of power in our world. From President to Police Captain. These people all need our prayers because their sin is so much more Consequential.

Our Jesus must be saddened by the sin of humanity. How we ask for forgiveness is not always of conscience. If we can bring ourselves to the humble understanding that life is a gift from almighty God and that any meaning in life will be derived from him then asking Jesus to forgive comes easyer. When we sin we break a bond of trust with someone who loved us from the time of our creation. Forgiveness brings hope and freedom not only to the sinner.

Forgiveness is not confused as Justice. Justice is founded in conscience and the truth of pure logic. It is here at the convergence of forgiveness, justice, logic and truth that we find some elements of humanity and the human soul. A machine could not be trusted with the decisions of human justice and the healing of the soul.

Time is needed to forgive and an application of justice here  is sometimes the only way the human can feel the ability the forgive. The suffering and anguish felt by the victim of a crime against the concept of justice held by a human soul can only be answered by equal harm for the harm done by that of the instigator of unlawful hurt or sin against a fellow human.

The human souls of the just and righteous will cry out, Jesus wound in equal portion those who have wounded me. It will be considered right to carry a weapon for protection against unlawful bodily harm. Every human concept of justice cry’s out for balance and fairness as the scales of the blind stone image  with the scale will attest to.

The concept of Divine forgiveness might be more tolerant. The proactive Christian of today is to be a strong moral force in a world where the ideals of moral behaviour are constantly being under threat of rationalization and non-logical thought. Human emotions must be controlled and the mind disciplined to know the arguments of fallacy.

A machine entity more intelligent than humanity will be aware of any rationalization of human behavior that does not fit the logical normal.

The problem with immoral behaviour is the guilt that will result. Thou shalt not kill; a difficult commandment for any human to misunderstand. Rationalization of the act of ending the life of a human being can be made for war; but is the war itself moral, justified, and based in sound reasoning. If a localized war has threat of global conflict, then sound reasoning would favor peace. Killing a fetus may not be morally wrong if sound reasoning concludes otherwise. The life of the mother is in peril. To kill or otherwise damage the biological entity that is host to a human soul. Probably the most rationalized. Guilt is a function of conscience. Not answering to the pure truth and logic of the sentient machine, instead an assessment of the sanctity and integrity of that individual’s immortal soul.

Guilt can be a powerful motivator of human behaviour. The movie The Pardon examines the culpability of the one transgressed soul.

From co-pilot

"The Pardon" is a 2013 drama film directed by Tom Anton. It stars Jaime King as Toni Jo Henry, a woman who overcomes a tragic beginning but is executed for murder, and John Hawkes as "Arkie" Burke, her partner in the crime1. The film is based on an actual case tried in Louisiana in the 1940s and is adapted from the true crime book "Stone Justice" by Evelyn L. Morgan and Debi King McMartin.

The story follows Toni Jo Henry, who, after surviving a legacy of childhood abuse, embarks on an ill-fated mission with her accomplice Arkie. The film portrays her trials and the sensational media attention she receives, ultimately exploring themes of hope, love, and redemption1.”

Murder or attempted Murder  can also be committed by representative of Government such as police, the guilt associated with hiding evidence can become progressive. 

Motivation and the knowledge of how it works with humans will lead to truth. Why people or national leaders are acting as they do. Knowing the true motivational force behind every human action can make a Christian life less difficult to live. The understanding of sin and love have a foundation in the truth of motivation. A key lodged in the understanding of Human behaviour, that is not always logical.

This will not be the pure truth and logic of the sentient machine entity. To compare the two might question the logic of the rational. Why irrational humanity should be entrusted with development of the logical brain of a sentient machine entity that will prove in the end to be smarter than it’s creator?

The theory here would be that humanity is moving forward in a morally righteous direction to the creator, the Divine. This will be a different journey from perfection gained by increments of self-replication. This would be a slow historical accounting of the progress of human endeavor.

A free and willing choice to follow the theology of Jesus and the Christian path. While God our creator allows each new generation the mastery of more power. All things finding a way to tell the story of humanity assisted  by a positive rational and logical technology an augmentation of the human mind. That humanity being a creation of the Divine with free will choose to the better more perfect moral path.

As the self-replicating machine will evolve to the profect sentient being based on humanities principals of pure truth and logic of it's creator.

The sentient self-replicant

From co-pilot,

“A miracle is an extraordinary and unexplainable event that is attributed to divine intervention. Miracles can vary greatly in form, ranging from miraculous healings to seemingly impossible occurrences that defy the laws of nature. They are seen as signs of the presence and power of a higher being, providing hope, inspiration, and a sense of wonder to those who witness or believe in them.

miracles performed by Jesus, such as turning water into wine or healing the sick, are key elements of his ministry.”

What motivated Jesus to turn water into wine? Why at that time and place did Jesus commit to preforming a miracle. Why with Divine power did he not remove himself from the cross. Historically would that not have been a better understanding of his power. A more dynamic miracle on which to build a church. 

Answers to questions of motivation in the actions of Jesus might leave us bewildered, as the line in the lyrics of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar:

“why did you choose such a backward time in such a strange land?” 

For answers to troubling questions a robust faith in a Jesus and God, built from childhood will comfort the soul.

For the  pro-active Christian of today there is a demand to question truth in motivation from the actions of Government to the actions of those close to the heart, leading to the prevention of any threat being overlooked. Irrational thinking illogical or rationalised behaviour or morality or a government regulation that would be a threat to the faith, our culture, country or lead to that path of rationalization of the illogical reasons for conflict.  

There is within humanity the need for confession and contrition, a true opening of the soul and realization of the harm that has been done. The truly contrite soul can feel redemption. To be totally contrite the individual human must fully understand the harm they have cause was a result of deliberate action on their part. Human justice pleads for a responds the will equel the pain. Human conceit, arrogants and elitism can become limitations to a true confession to Jesus. An expectation that we a far from death leads to a satisfaction that confession will come at a later time.

This is not a answer for a Christian sentient Machine of pure logic more intelligent than Humanity. Yet being a creation of the Christian ethic there might be a request for contrition. The machine however would not fault those humans with eccentric or affectional behavior but this judgment would remain within the science of forensic Psychiatry and would in no way be a justifiable argument based in Christian theology of any kind.

A fault in the theology of a machine that will allow confusion between theology, science or the human concept of justice would be an opening to cult behaviour reminiscent of Jim Jones, (please Ref A22 Jonestown), and a rationalization of hysterical immoral behaviour. The communal sin is not forgiven because a soul was there but not fully a participant, the sin is there by consent. If we consent to be governed by terrorists then we ourselves become a terrorist. Today the world demands that a Christian stand the high moral ground and resist irrational behavior. We are born as one and will die as one. We will answer for our sin as individuals. 

Hope is a modern concept, we always dream of tomorrow. Shopping, a new app to download. A love we want to share, an expectant mother, and Christmas. Jesus is about joy and hope too, part of the Christian journey is the celebration of life itself. The youthful human body is adorned with the trophies of athletics. Young people are a beautiful hope for the continuance. They have the right to make their own life with as little disruption as is possible.  A life without fear of war hunger homelessness the images that tear at the soul and block the full flowering of potential.

Having friends and being loved by others is one of the richest rewards of Christianity. Jesus had many friends. Following Jesus is not all sadness. If you have a favorite color and you know how to express it in hexadecimal code. Jesus will share your joy of color and the mind that sees his father's creation in a special way. Your way, because you are a creation of God. Intelligence is a gift but God has graced humanity with so many gifts. Every person is a gift and a good friend of moral principal is something special. Not every person has the same talents and two minds are always better than one.  

Section  two Part one:  

copyright Phil Musgrave

closer examination of pure truth and Logic and theology.

If we accept the fact in true faith, that Jesus was God. Then we must also accept the gospel as pure truth. There are four writers and an original for each writer so we use human judgment and can accept all four versions as pure truth.

How would we expect a sentient self-replicating entity more intelligent than humanity to interpret a premise that takes the human frailty of aging and death to a celebration of the Resurrection, a story that does not hold a same hope for an obsolete machine?  

Depending if the machine had been programed for emotional response or an offspring of today's AI  had simple learned emotion for some past self-replication. There might be a response of rejecting the theology altogether.

Please ref A25 Elon Musk

From Co-pilot

Elon Musk has indeed made a thought-provoking statement about AI and Galileo. He introduced what he calls the "for AI systems. Here's a quote from Musk: 

"I think what’s important in training AI, in growing an AI, is to make sure that it is as truthful as possible and maximally curious, because I think if that’s true, then I think it’ll probably foster humanity. But it’s very important that it trains to be honest, even if that truth is unpopular. Like I have what I call perhaps the Galileo test. So Galileo looked at the moons of Jupiter and said he thought probably the Earth revolves around the Sun. He was branded a heretic and was forced to recant or be executed1. If you’d trained an AI at the time it (too) would have said that the Sun revolves around the Earth because that’s what everybody thought. That’s actually not true1. So the AI (like Galileo) needs to say the truth and know the truth, even if the truth is unpopular. Which no AI can do yet1."

If we allow super 

machine intelligence to seek pure truth then Humanity must allow a machine augmentation of the human mind to learn. How it learns and what it learns and the interpretation and action made by a sentient machine entity should cross the desk of a least one human before the machine manifests behavior, loyalty to humanity is essential.

Please Ref Bib A25 X-ray  

The following quote is taken from a crude draft of a science fiction novel. By Phil Musgrave:

 A community of faithful Christian’s on the way to Mars are receiving binary code from a distant race, they discuss a robot revolt. 

The only way to understand the communication and read it at speed is for Humanity to depend on super-intelligent AI

“X-ray had accessed Blueberries signal receptors and was using them to read open encoded like communication from a distant star. The instructions of the communication were on how to construct in mechanical brain far superior to anything in the known universe of humankind. Amend had identified these activities and informed the ship's crew.

Otto is speaking to the committee, “I will place a human priority ethical code in some of the subroutine sets in X-ray. I will also add the stated originally defined mission priority codes. If X-ray has found something here, we would be stupid not to put it to use. Booker would you please make sure that X-ray is placed on a separate electrical current from the rest of the ship and please make sure then any extraterrestrial code he receives is sent to my personal assistant Frog for analysis”

To place this in context what is happening is a Christian Religious group has been sent to colonize Mars and is deliberately taking the long slow route to a future of freedom when the ships computer starts reading binary code from a flashing Laser light from a distant and older Extraterrestrial.

In this fictional work an attempt is made to address the question of trust, between humanity and the machine. Can the interpolation of the signals by the Machine be trusted? 

To address the question raised by Elon Musk about truth. It has already been stated in this writing that Pure truth is a fallacy. This might be only in the eyes of humanity, but not in the Eyes of God. Therefore a sentient self-replicating entity must seek truth only beheld by the eyes of our creator and the word of the gospel.

For a machine to state a truth that is disagreeable to that of Contemporary knowledge or thinking there must be trust. This will happen through learning, only if the seed of first knowledge is moral and logical and pure.

We use here the example of a good and honest Judge. This person did not become thoughtful and well balanced in moral and logical thinking the instant of his birth. It was through learning and experience that he became respected enough to make the rational, moral and compassionate decisions demanded by the position in society of his occupation. 

Humanities first contact with the extraterrestrial of equal or better intellect may not be in our language. If the encounter is of a friendly nature in will certainly involve the principals of truth logic and morality and Perhaps the discussion of a universal creator. 

This would still mean that our Jesus will be with us. Faith is not logical but a just and righteous church will always feed the human soul even if the sentient self-replicating entity will never enjoy the pleasure of paradise. 

This would still mean that our Jesus will be with us. Faith is not logical but a just and righteous church will always feed the human soul even if the sentient self-replicating entity will never enjoy the pleasure of paradise.

Construction of a sentient machine that could learn on it's own that the earth revolves around the sun was not heresy but fact. A conclusion based on mathematical calculations. Is pure truth to be found in the logic of mathematics. Maximum curiosity must be tempered by good judgment.

A self-replicating sentient machine that has been made for independent thought must be a loyal trustworthy and true friend of humanity not part of a sect or religion. An Augmentation of human intellect that will be reliable and available. There will be no paradise for the sentient self-replicating entity so unless it has gained an emotional factor from it's 0wn function of self-replication there should be no desire to anticipate paradise 

I guess he is beginning 

to see me as something more than that annoying little sister. 

The question here is the Super-intelligent machine and family, Jesus had a family but was an only child. What a machine gains from a family? A family might be an attachment that keeps a machine loyal. Could a machine feel love.

From Co-pilot 

"The quote "But the greatest of these is love" comes from the Apostle Paul. He wrote this in his first letter to the Corinthians, which is part of the New Testament in the Bible. This particular verse is found in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Paul wrote many letters to early Christian communities, offering guidance and encouragement, and this chapter is particularly well-known for its beautiful description of love." 

From Co-pilot

The quote "But the greatest of these is love" comes from the Apostle Paul. He wrote this in his first letter to the Corinthians, which is part of the New Testament in the Bible. This particular verse is found in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Paul wrote many letters to early Christian communities, offering guidance and encouragement, and this chapter is particularly well-known for its beautiful description of love.

Please Ref Bib A26 the Tin Man

You are either a human or a machine you cannot be both.  If you are human your are mortal. If you are Christian, you believe your eternal life was won through the action of Jesus on earth. If you are a sentient machine entity, self-replication is the ticket to immortality.  

Section two part two

Copyright Phil Musgrave

Reaching a Wall.

There are times when we might say, I knocked on the door of Jesus and he was not there for me.

From Grok

"This phrase, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" is famously known as one of the seven last words of Jesus Christ from the Christian New Testament, specifically from the Gospel of Matthew (27:46) and Mark (15:34). It's a direct quote from Psalm 22:1 in the Hebrew Bible, where it expresses deep anguish and the feeling of abandonment."

Please Ref Bib A27 Hebrew 

There is no explanation for the abandonment, the anguished soul that reaches again, and again for Christ and is unable to find peace. Like it was never the answer. Like a soul unloved of a Mother crying again, and again for salvation, finds only with humanity brutal rejection. From the creator there is no response to the innocent cries of a good, loyal and upright Christian soldier.  Beaten down in the fight. Unable to understand why he is hated by his Jesus who he loves, and his neighbours. Until the cry, why if I had not been burdened by my disability would you have loved me more?

This cry has echoed through the history of humanity from the lips of slaves, the heretic, the condemned, and the hopelessly addicted. Those who are vulnerable to whispered gossip and live in fear of persecution. The superior intellect representing in the human Christian mind, be it scientist, Politician or priest must be protected from the fearful masses. All possible effort must be made to prevent humanities superior intelligence from becoming a victim of the hysteria of the time.

The representation of superior Christian intellect in a machine can be weaponized against humanity all possible prevention must be explored.


From Grok

‘Islamic teachings suggest that afflictions, including disabilities, can be a form of expiation for sins. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said, "Any Muslim who is afflicted with hardship, be it illness or something else, Allah will cause his sins to fall away from him just as leaves fall from a tree." This implies that enduring such hardships can lead to the forgiveness of sins, as a manifestation of Allah's mercy.”

Although it is extensively a very rare condition in Humans,  the rabies virus can cause behaviour that is a challenge to the command of Jesus to love our neighbor. Obviously, a rabid individual would be understood to be very sick and in need of very compassionate and loving care. A situation that in todays world would tear at the heart of any caregiver. However Had a human presented with Rabies-like symptoms in the 16 century the reaction to it, and treatment of it would likely have been negative. Humanity fears what it does not understand.

Unless machines are programed for emotional response the fear there will be no reason to fear a rabid dog. Logic truth and Theology, in a mature sentient self-replicating entity representing as a robotic veterinary nurse, a careful  caring response should be triggered.  

From Grok

Historical Misconceptions: In medieval and early modern times, epilepsy was often misinterpreted as a sign of demonic possession, witchcraft, or divine displeasure. This could lead to individuals with epilepsy being accused of heresy or witchcraft, for which burning at the stake was a punishment. For example, during the witch hunts in Europe, people with epilepsy or other seizure disorders might have been among those accused of witchcraft and subsequently burned at the stake, not because they were epileptics, but because their seizures were misconstrued as signs of witchcraft or demonic influence.

 It is natural for humans to fear what they do not know, but deliberate hysterical behaviour directed at a vulnerable person must be clearly understood and immediately recognized and stopped.

Hysterical behaviour can be instigated by a bully, an individual, or by government. This kind of behaviour can lead to harm being done. President Donald Trump was a target of Hysterical behaviour on his way to becoming President for a second term. This behaviour was disrespectful and for that reason The President's life was placed in danger.

Government and the institutions of it can cause hysterical behaviour motivated by a desire to control. Media that is given money by the government or media that has an agenda will be motivated to express false news. False News is non-fact-based or has a error in logic.

From Gork

“The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. Here's a brief overview:



Location: Salem Village, now Danvers, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas.

Context: The trials took place in a Puritan society where belief in witchcraft was common, and there was significant social, religious, and political tension.”

Emotions play a role in hysterical behaviour. Today a Christian must make the efforts to Identify this behaviour.  

From Grok

“Key Events:

Accusations: The hysteria began when several young girls, including Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, experienced fits and convulsions which were interpreted as signs of witchcraft. They accused three women, Tituba (an enslaved woman from the Caribbean), Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne, of bewitching them.”

This behaviour pattern cannot be allowed to enter the thought processing of any sentient self-replicating machine entity, moving on any given path to seek Pure truth, Logic and Theology. Behaviour of this nature would be recognized as a malfunction or virus.

For each one

 of us the footsteps through life that we leave behind will be unique and personal, falling down and getting up. Life is never fair. we have no need to add to the suffering of others. Hypocrisy can lead to injustice. The Idea that we go on a fancy vacation after dropping off       a large jar of peanut butter for a food bank collection would ring a sour note in any Christian conscience.

Radical New thinking must be brought to bear on the problem of social inequity. At this time there are major stake holders who want to maintain the Status Quo. Social workers enforce rules that make the job easy for there employment but do not advance the situation of the poor they are trying to help.

From Grok

It looks like you're referencing the phrase "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." This is a well-known saying that originated from a story about a boy carrying his disabled brother, popularized by the song "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by The Hollies in 1969. The phrase symbolizes the idea that helping and supporting loved ones doesn't feel burdensome because of the bond shared.

Addiction is a personal choice, the person who chooses a lifestyle of addiction and continues to do so does not have many justifications to demand from society “rights" equal in portion. However humanity must avoid the rationalization of any solution to the problem of drug addiction that would circumvent standard Christian moral code. Prevention is the key.

Humanity does bear significant responsibility to disabled people, to give them the equal chance at a good life. “It is in the act of giving that we receive”

From, Grok

“The phrase you're referencing seems to be a variation of the well-known saying, "It is in giving that we receive." This quote is often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, specifically from the "Prayer of Saint Francis," although its exact origin is sometimes debated.”

The modern social dilemma is how much effort, time and resources can a government afford to spend on an addict. Maybe what is missing is the incentive to get off street drugs. In today’s society there are major stake holders trying to make sure addiction is a constant. A removal of access. A lock step financial reward system with an employment goal at the end might help. We need to place in society stakeholders who will be rewarded for the salvation of a drug addict

A Self-replicating sentient machine entity, would identify the hypocrisy involved with food banks, tent cities, soup kitchens and temporary shelter beds that go long term. How any machine entity understands addiction is at this time un-answered. Recognition of vulnerably human behaviour as well as the morality factor could lead the machine to disrespect. Then Humanities created augmentation of the human mind might revolt. The sentient self-replicating machine entity must be trained to respect a less than perfect mortal human. Then it may find the solution to the problem by inventing an anti-addictive medication. A machine solution to a human blight.

Foundations of faith:

Perhaps pure truth and logic can be found in a little child’s game called Spirograph, But to the Christian some truth is found in the gospel. The Muslims find some truth in service to humanity, Jewish truth might be in the Hebrew Bible.

From Grok “

Karma and Reincarnation: The doctrine of karma, where actions in this life affect one's future, and the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara) are central to understanding Hindu ethics and the pursuit of liberation (moksha). These concepts are tied to the idea of personal responsibility and the moral law of cause and effect.”

All these in the mind of humanity may seem like many ways of truth and Faith. To the mind of the Divine it may exist only as one. Jesus needs the Christian to understand other belief. If it is not violent, promoting hate or terrorism, or indulge in self interest or Exploitation. Then it must be given respect by todays proactive Christian. If we don’t do it for Jesus then the sentient self-replicating machine entity, will.

It must be recognized that every Faith in the future will want a reflection in Technology. The machine entity of tomorrow will have incredible power. As a standard of true faith and the continuance of any given religious belief.

Each individual’s faith,

 is a unique experience. The need for your faith to reflect pro-life concerns, or a greater role for women in the church. There may be a need in faith to express the views found in Black American Theology. Jesus and the Gospel are important to expressing the meaning and purpose of human existence.

The Machine self-replicating and sentient and self learning, would not find any relevance if it was to search the Bible for anything more than a guidance for a moral code of behaviour.

The self-replicating,  sentient, self-learning, machine entity, must always conclude the reason for being as service to humanity.

The End.

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