Western Hotel and Grill St. Pats
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Jack anse
Now Mr. President, "We want to talk about your new book. You Have invited Canada and Greenland. Who Else would have the privileges of American life."
You Did Not Want To Join Us
So We Wish you all the best
End the War In Ukraine
You where expecting the Easter Bunny?
Reactionary Rhetoric or Negotiations
Money Works
What Price Canada
Justiin Trudeau Dones a Canadian made pumpkin crown. Says "we can live on a buy Canadian, diet of nuts, berries, seeds and pie for the next four years. Then hope the Americans vote in a democrat ."
Whats Up with the CBC
One of the best Presidents in American History
It is All your Fault
Blood on The Flag
World Banking
Greastest Millitary The World has Ever Seen
Not Even an offer to buy more American
"hey Look! another punk who used to work at car plant."
"Hit him wih tthe stick Joey"
The White Star State
Editorial Opinion
Understanding Disrespect
In Canada Mr. Trudeau thinks the country Canada can live without American Orange juice and Ketchup, but he has not said much about poor working people living as a family in a rented apartment, how much it will cost them. The new Amercan President is a compassionate man with a good moral compass. He does not like to see good people get hurt. If they are his friends it bothers him more. Today on the phone to city hall a “canadian" girl snickers when the two words Trump and Compassionate where voiced in the same sentence. Our childern are what we teach them to be.
Any elitist or disrespectful behaviour will be transparant to this new American Mr. President. This is a man has as many scares from batlle as any American Soldier. Any withdrawal from an energy contract, oil, Gas or Electirical, that threatens the security of U.S.A. will be seen by President Trump as an act of war. The population of Canada is the same as the state of Florida during spring break. Negotiate with no delusions of Gandure.
Alberta U.S.A
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The Inaugural address
should of course mention the devastating fire in California. A mention of sorrow for the grief. The money the American nation has spent on academic studies of climate change, that could have, and should have been spent on practical preventative infrastructure to keep the nations people safe. No-one really wants to hear another word about climate change when you just lost the family home to fire, flood, or storm.
Studying climate will help the world understand what the forecast is for the next century.
The time for contemplation is over. Prayer is good but God would expect humanity to use intelligence. Practical human constructive effort must be made to keep our fingers in any holes in the dike and have answers for solutions anticipating any future more powerful storms.
Incompetent government is no longer affordable on the continent of North America. We will protect what is ours and expect those around us to act in the community’s self-interest. We will find a way to make government efficient and effective. The needs of the people will always come before draining resources for the payment of national debt. New ways must be found to fund government. Old Economic theory is not working. The nation will need to find a way to move funds to projects that bring hope to a nation that can build new climate control infrastructure and bring to reality a bright and shining future.
How would YOU wright it?
Save The Newtscum
Editorial Opinion
When we say “climate change"
In Ontario Canada we know weather is a hard mistress. From the first of October till the end of April, Snow could be in the weather forecast so we change our shoes and stock up on Ice meltdown, this is climate change at the most basic definition. We don't sit and ponder Winter, we take it in stride.
When we say climate change the government money target is academic. When you say specific fire control measures the funding target is real. We all live here. We don't need arguments about how or why. If you don't shovel the drive, the car might not get out. This is common sense not climate change. Forest management is a new ball game, it will take skill and Intelligence more than ever before.
The north American continent is in the care of the most intelligent species ever known to walk the planet. We must control fire even if we have to plant more fire-resistant trees and rake debris from the forest floor.
From Grok
"The smoke caused a significant deterioration in air quality, leading to conditions described as "hazardous". On June 7, 2023, New York City had the worst air quality in the world due to this smoke from Canadian wildfires. The smoke was visible, enveloping the city in a thick, orange haze, reducing visibility, and giving landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline an eerie, obscured appearance."
This should no longer be acceptable. We need better and should expect our government to be aware of threats presented by every kind of weather disasters. If the weather gets worse and it very well might, the people of North America have a right to expect to hear the damage was not as bad this year because we prepared.
Science can contribute by the manipulation of the DNA of forest trees for fire resistance and less combustible materials on the forest floor. Hurricanes can be studied for ways to reduce intensity. Earth is not utopia there is not more time. Discussions are done, action is now needed to save property and people.
ED Op Drain The Swamp
So what does it mean to “drain the swamp,” The beautiful City of Angels is on fire right now. If we say this is the result of climate change, then no-one is really responsible. No one shoulders the blame for an underfunded fire department and a mismanaged water system. And who did not call in the national guard. If we say its climate change it obscures government funding Targets.
Draining the swamp means direct government funding to any dam reservoirs that will supply water to put out fires in the city that is now on fire and out of water. The funding does not go to a philosopher university chair with a project designed to chew the fat on the religious significants of climate change. Draining the swamp means finding a practical human focal point so government funding can track a strait unencumbered path to a solution.
Draining the swamp is about running government more like a business. With people taking responsibility for the job they have and climate change is an excuse not a policy. We need government that acts for the little people who lose their house in a storm that may, or may not have been the result of climate change.
Draining the swamp is about more bang for the buck.
All politicians should stay humble and do the job the people expect. Development of a political ego in a demanding world of political accountability is a mistake. Any politician that allows harm to come to constituents should lose their job. Every political leader Just like every employer will be held accountable sending firefighting Equipment away to another country when it is needed at home is illogical and incompetent. Draining the swamp is sometimes a good thing.
Editorial Opinion North
Waiting for this Poilievre, leader the conservative federal party, to say anything relevant about the current events unfolding. would he speak like Trump and drain the swamp. He went as far as he dare, with the new political demographics. This Career politician needs that drink that gives you wings so maybe we can squeeze more out of him. It is good to have jobs but have a real competitive environment with minimum regulations
There is a need for competitive Banking with American banks allowed access to this economy. Credit rating agencies that usually have the facts wrong and expect you to phone them to correct it. Unless they can offer assistance to a growing family or a hunger student. These middlemen are a block to economic growth and should be flushed with the swamp water
Telephones are for communication not company management, they say you spend half your life asleep and the other half on “someone will be with you” or “the person you are trying to reach.” These aids to human productivity were put there by the small mind that thinks if Canada has tariffs placed on it by United States It would be a grand Idea to stop importing USA orange juice
Telecommunications is another regulated arena.
Editorial Opinion Statehood
by Phil Musgrave
Five billion dollars is enough money for a small economy like Canada’s to get in a, k. knot about, but when the U.S.A is footing the bill we should at least say, thank you. To President Trump manners are important. A thank you coming from Canada might help in any free trade negotiations. If Canadians want respect retaliatory trade wars aren’t going to cut it.
We need to start responding with something more mature than threatening to retaliate with our heavily armed popgun of a great lakes’ navy. The young men of U.S.A. have the worlds respect for defending democracy and Canada has been slow to respond to make a significant contribution to this effort with money. It still is a question if we actually really want to be a country. The financing of government must evolve. The annexation of Canada by U.S.A could go a long way to paying the Americas Deficit.
Plenty of Canadians want to drain the swamp, tired of major companies being protected from competition by the government. We need competition to grow our communications and technology sectors. We also need better more responsive law enforcement. To get those things and avoid losing jobs to U.S.A, to more and more Canadians provincial statehood is looking like a good option.
Give the kid a candy, then send him back to Ontario
ED Cartoon phil musgraveThe American, Canadian Revolution
A recent episode with Bell Canada has rubbed me the wrong way. For the last three days I have been trying to access my Bell email. I have so far wasted 6 hours on the phone to Bell Canada Tech Support and the problem has cost me money and embarrassment. At one point I was told I did not have an account. Then I was told it was my machine. So I went in person to my local bell store. “I am sorry sir can you try the Geek squad. I have been a customer for a long long time and this is how I get treated. Maybe if we had real competition in Canada. I would like to see President Donald Trump enter negotiations with Canada that resulted in a real American Access to Canadian Communications Technology. I may be disabled but I worked hard all my life. I want to communicate with people who are dedicated to their job. Up here in Canada If you don't like Bell there is really only one other choice. That is because of government regulation.
Sometimes there is nothing unchristian about revolution, and when enough people want change. We can drain the swamp. That is what we need in Canada. Canada has a trade surplus with the United States every year. Here we talk about getting government money to help the opioid crisis. Well speaking as someone who has extreme pain on a daily basis I made a rational decision not to take morphine even though the hospital prescribing does not look at non-addictive pain relief. In Canada we have the CBC and CTV. No real competition, and both get government financing. So most of the News must be taken with a grain of salt.
We could start the process of Revolution by establishing the Republican party in each an every province and territory of Canada. There is however one sticking point about joining the United States. Government Debt is Always used as an excuse to Exclude the poor, the sick, The elderly and disabled. These people need to be allowed to make a relevant contribution to society. These people should be able earn a decent wage not placed in a workshop
The question of the financing of the American Government is on shaky ground. New, radical and Compassionate solutions must be found. One solution might be to run each department off the interest from a savings account. This could only be done if there was major agreement on world wide debt forgiveness. That would take the kind of global cooperation that humanity simply does not possess at this point in our history.
Editorial Opinion Wakeup call By Phil Musgrave
There is no-one in Ottawa at this time who has the power or personal integrity to lead this country forward. The lack of a strong central government has left the country open to province-by-province free trade deals with the United States. The incoming American President of the United States has a very good background in business. President Trump will speak the same language as any deal maker. He wants what is best for America, and Canada is not America yet.
The Golden age of America will start with very tough trade negotiations with Canada. With a possible offer of separate Negotiations with each province or territory, This might come with an offer a statehood. We will lose many of our warm and fuzzy feelings about Canada.
Our present Prime Minister is a politician not a deal maker so unless we get someone in Ottawa who is willing to change the barriers to free trade. Get the best deals for all of Canada then it becomes and American priority to move Canada out of the way. Canadians would be wise to lose the smug attitude.
Editorianl Opinion
The only way to stop Jug meet Sing from becoming the next Prime Minister of Canada is to secure Quebec. The block party in Quebec held the second largest number of seats in the last Canadian Federal Election. The NDP was third. Jug meet Sing is a very astute and crafty politician. Sing was born for politics he is likely to be smarter then any other political party leader in Canada. He is a political artist. A politicians, politician.
It is going to be very difficult to defeat this man without a secured vote from the block. An agreement that would be worded something like this. If the conservative party wins a majority of seats in the house of commons then the block will back them. Better then that would be to have an amalgamated party like they have done in British Columbia. They have joined the Liberals and Conservatives together in an effort to prevent an NDP provincial government.
Sing has been very quite and in the background. He is not given to delusion or self aggrandizement. He will of course not take any responsibility for any of the unpopular policies even though the Trudeau liberal had a minority government. What is Jung meet Sings stand on Immigration and Canadians culture Identity Quebec has long ago taken steps to protect cultural Identity and Language and that Province would not look favorably one lax immigration policy. However if you read below you will see the Canadian politic is an lose undisciplined evolution of the British Parliamentary system of Government.
Jung meet Sing has to this point in time played his political Poker hand well and kept everything close to his chest.
The Educated Canadian Voter. Glad To be an American?
Editorial Opinion
The things that will be on people’s mind’s if an election is called early are many. For those voter under twenty five yearrs of age the unemployment rate is 14% even if your employed there is rent and car payment. Inflation is an issue that cuts all voter age groups and is especially harmful to seniors on fixed income and the unemployed. The social safety net is a mess. People live in tents and send a significant part of their day waiting for food.
The middle class is taking it in the gut with high taxes and limited housing options for their children to grow in. This young generation has had to bring children up in small cramped apartments with no back yard.
Street drugs poverty and the post covid damage have all had there effect. Government is slow. The justice system is in the sewer and Nothing works anymore. There is no more room for voters to dream about the Identity of your counrty when your hammered with the everyday need to find your way to a decent acceptable and happy life.
What Canada needs right now is a political hero. Someone who knows that government and how to make it work for the people, It is time to work hard, play hard and let the ordinary people get their fair shair of happiness. We want Trudeau out, but who is our hero now. Someone who will say Canada is my Job. A politician who wants what good for the country and will listen too the people. A strong individual with an agenda for a bright and prosperous Canada
Help for Seniors in Ontario
Call 211:
Links Below. Stay Safe
New 811 Ministry of Health Fast contact
Critical resources for Surviving in a post Trudeau Canada
The Painting below has significant meaning and now hangs in a Room in Guelph It was made from Scratch by Phil Musgrave
it is about a scary moment in my life alone in a room in Niagara Falls ,Canada, It is called Hallucination over Niagara falls and has nothing to do with drugs
this is a video record of how it was made in my apartment
I must respect the privacy of the owner of the painting
Almost done
Image Consept and content copyright
Joseph Philip Musgrave
Filling in the cracks
filled the countersink
Fill the cracks
paint the frame
"No," I said "Blue, not that Yeaky color I want Blue!"
Not done Yeti
Twisted Carpenter
Tools at Hand
Framing Halucination Niagara Falls step three
Sanding Has finished
Frame Cut by Rona Hardware store Guelph
tight fit
some thinking needs to be done
I would like to thank the workers at Rona Hardware Store On Dawson Road Guelph for helping me walk though this step
Ready to frame halucination niagara falls Joseph Philip Musgrave
The making of a work of Art
Scroll up to see individual photos and videos